Asia Asset Management commenced publication in December 1995 and was the first trade journal in the Asia-Pacific region to cater to the needs of asset managers, pension funds and institutional investors.
For the past 24 years it has been dedicated to providing comprehensive news coverage and in-depth analysis of the Asian asset management industry.
Our readers are CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, Managing Directors, Presidents and Vice Presidents of companies, Chairmans, Regional heads, Finance Directors, Pension Fund Trustees, HR Directors, Treasurers, Head of Investment Committees, Marketing Directors and Heads/Directors of Risk Management, Treasury, IT, Compliance, Trading Department, Asset Management, and Finance.
Asia Asset Management Magazine
With 11 issues per year, Asia Asset Management reports on a wide array of topics covering every aspect of the asset management, fund management and pension industry spectrum.
Asia Asset Management magazine provides the latest trends and strategies in the fund management industry in Asia-Pacific, in–depth interviews with industry giants, information on new pension mandates that are up for grabs and comprehensive reports about the most important issues in the industry. Asia Asset Management is audited by BPA Worldwide and is circulated predominantly in Asia-Pacific as well as in North America and Europe.
Asia Asset Management also publishes a number of standalone special editions in addition to the regular journal. is Asia Asset Management’s website. It is updated daily with breaking news and the latest developments affecting the region’s asset management sector. Frequent newsblasts are also sent out to subscribers to keep them informed of the latest goings on.
Asia Asset Management hosts multiple roundtables across Asia-Pacific on an annual basis. These serve as an arena for industry experts to impart their knowledge and for investors and asset managers to come together and discuss issues affecting the industry. AAM Roundtables, as well as being invaluable learning experiences, provide fantastic networking opportunities and the chance to mingle with the industry’s leading lights.
Address: 1701, Singga Commercial Centre
148 Connaught Road West
Hong Kong SAR, China
Tel: (852) 2547 7331